Sunday, October 5, 2008

Choco Reflection on Cosmopolitanism Chapter 9

The Counter-Cosmopolitans
In Chapter 9 of Cosmopolitanism, Appiah talks about a “counter-cosmopolitan.” If I was to describe a counter-cosmopolitan (here at UK for example) I would start out by saying they would have to have the idea of unity, but would go about it in a non-cosmopolitan way. Appiah states that counter-cosmopolitans “do think that there is one right way for all human beings to live; that all differences must be in detail.” The problem is that counter-cosmopolitans want to (and maybe can’t wait to) trample on our differences. These counter-cosmopolitans have a clear and direct sense of what it is they believe in. They do not have a certain “look” because anyone can be a counter-cosmopolitan. The way they would talk might be normal until you start talking about beliefs, then they might start trying to persuade you to follow their beliefs for what they believe to be a good reason. Which also is similar to the way they would act; they would be persuasive in the way they would try to get you to follow their beliefs and they would be against the beliefs you have if it is different than their own. There probably are many counter-cosmopolitans here at UK, and it might take a discussion of values for you to find out their true persona.

Appiah mentions that the challenge to cosmopolitanism is “the belief that [people] don’t matter very much”, and not “the belief that other people don’t matter at all.” Everyone can agree that people have some obligations to others, but that is the extent of the agreement. The question is if people do need to intervene in others’ situations, and what types of situations need intervening. When is it right to stop a culture from what we believe as wrongdoing. It might even go back to the disagreement of the “golden rule”; that we do not know if doing unto others what you want done to you is right because they don’t necessarily want the same things as you do. Overall the challenge is based on the questions: how much do people matter to you? Are you willing to believe that you have an obligation to these people? How much of an obligation?

Over and out
-Reecie Foxtrot ^_^


charlie0801 said...

boo...curse those stupid counter-cosmopolitans. We tend to see eye to eye on many things reecie. lol

We should totally start an anti-counter-cosmopolitan group!

or a counter-counter-cosmopolitan group....maybe....

Katherine Currie said...

Goat cheese