Special!!! 2 New Episodes coming out today! Read on!
Hey guys! So with Thanksgiving break coming up.. instead of having a blog to write after I get home, I am going to post a 2nd blog today, so I can focus on relaxing while I am home haha. But I would like to talk about my interviews. I have not gotten to read any of my interviews in class yet, and I am not sure if we are going to read interviews in class tomorrow since we are going to be in the library.. So I would like to post my last interview on my blog for everyone to see. Its kind of long, and I apologize.. so i wont include my introduction to the person but i basically tell them that their answers are anonymous. Ok here goes :)
Background Female/18 years old/ White
1. Are you a freshman?
A: Yes
2. How old are you?
A: 18
3. Do you mind telling me your ethnicity?
A: White
4. Do you have any siblings? *If yes* How old are they?
A: Yes, 1 sister. She is 12 years old.
5. Are you a resident of Patterson?
A: Yes
6. Are you an Honors student?
A: Yes
7. Are you an “official” member of the Patterson Living Learning Community?
A: “I don’t think so… well then, no. I don’t really know what it is.”
8. Were you an Honors student in high school?
A: Yes
9. Did you attend a large or small high school?
A: It was small
Background info about site and sustained attachment by informant:
1. Did you choose to live in Patterson Hall? If yes, why?
A: “Yes, because it’s an honors dorm, I liked the location because it is located on north campus and because my roommate wanted to live here.”
2. When you came to live in Patterson did you already know other people who came to live in Patterson also? If yes, was it an influence to your decision?
A: “I knew a few people, plus my roommate. Yes, it influenced my decision because my roommate wanted to live here.”
*Added Question*: If you didn’t know your roommate, would you still pick Patterson?
A: “Yes because as I said it is an honors dorm, and I like being closer to my classes.”
3. What attracts you to the lounge?
A: “Typically the quietness to study in.”
4. What is it about the lounge that makes it attractive in that way?
A: “Everyone is usually quiet.”
5. How often do you come to the lounge?
A: “A few times a week.”
6. Do you always plan to go or do you just show up sometimes?
A: Just shows up.
7. Do you come by yourself or with other people? If with other people, do you plan that or do you meet up randomly?
A: Both by herself and other people. Both planned and random.
8. What do you do if you do not see anyone you know here? Why?
A: “I still stay because I came to study.”
9. Would you ever consider walking up to a group of people you do not know and introduce yourself? *If yes* What motivates you to do so?
A: “Sure, because I like and want to be socially interactive.”
10. Where else do you study? And how often?
A: William T. Library a few times a week, half her time here and the other half at William T. Library during the week; and the Fine Arts Library once a week.
11. When you choose to study in the lounge, why do you choose it instead of the library?
A: “I choose the lounge mainly because the lounge is closer.”
12. What makes the lounge different from the library?
A: “The library is bigger with more people. Unless you’re in a side room it is easy to get distracted.”
*Added Question* So are you saying you don’t get distracted in the lounge?
A: “I also get distracted in the lounge but it’s more convenient to go to the lounge because it is just downstairs from my room.”
13. So why do you study in so many places?
A: “Because I like the change of environment.”
14. Have you ever studied in another lounge?
A: No.
15. What do you usually do while you are in the lounge?
A: Usually studies.
16. Why do you choose to go to the lounge instead of going to your room?
A: Same reason in #12: She likes the change of environment.
17. Does the honors program or Living Learning Community effect why you come here?
A: No.
18. Do you feel like you benefit from coming here? Why/why not?
A: “Yes, because it’s good to have variety where you study.”
19. Are noise levels important to you while you are in the lounge?
A: “Yes, because I can’t focus when people are loud.”
20. Does the noise or people ever distract you?
A: Yes, both do. (Same reason as question 19)
21. *If yes to 15* What is it that distracts you specifically?
A: People being loud, can’t focus.
22. How do you deal with the noisy people? Would you tell them to be quiet?
A: She usually just leaves, and tries to find another location that is quiet. “I should tell them to be quiet, but I don’t.”
*Added Question* Is that because you are shy or is there another reason?
A: “It’s probably because I am shy.”
23. How do you keep from being distracted from your friends?
A:“When I really have to study I separate myself from my friends, so I come by myself”
24. Is there a certain place you like to sit?
A: Anywhere usually. No where specific.
25. What kind of atmosphere do you think the lounge is?
A: “Typically, it is comfortable and suitable to get work done.”
When she mentions “typically” it’s because there are noisy people talking and being loud while I am conducting the interview. These people were annoying her and she explained that the other people studying were distracted and annoyed by this loud group. She mentioned that it usually was not that loud.
26. What is it about the lounge that makes it that type of atmosphere?
A: “The arrangement of seating and lighting. Also the quiet hours.”
27. So does the atmosphere make you more comfortable to study?
A: “Yes, it does.”
28. So why do you keep coming back?
A: Likes the change of environment when studying for while. “I get bored when I stay in one place.”
29. What are the informal and formal rules of the lounge? (Does not have to be rules that are written down)
A: “Well… don’t talk loud, if you talk, the quiet people look at you if you’re talking. Also, if you don’t know someone, don’t sit by them; I’ve noticed people generally just don’t sit by people they don’t know. And I don’t know if this would be a rule, but a lot of people listen to their iPods usually.”
30. Do you or would you say that people listen to their iPod to tell people not to bother them?
A: No, I think it just depends on the person.
Ok thats my interview.. again sorry its so long hehe.. This girl obviously has a problem with people being noisy in the lounge, maybe if it is such an issue for her, she should try politely asking the loud people to be quiet? Or even just ask an RA about it. Well I can't say what she should do because I am not her, and I probably would do the same thing that she does haha. Its become a common factor that people say the lounge is supposed to be quiet, and that they like a change of scenery. I also figured out that the living learning community has nothing to do with the lounge as of right now. Ok well lets see where my conclusions lead me!
Thanks and everyone have a great THANKSGIVING DAY and BREAK!
-Reecie ^_^
Monday, November 24, 2008
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This was a great interview. Very rich and detailed!! :) While I was reading, I thought up some more questions you might want to ask if you have to interview her again.
For instance, does she go to the Hub when she goes to the library?It almost seems like she expects distractions in the lounge...maybe she doesn't mind them?
What about the people in the lounge attracts her? What does she mean by 'variety' in number 18? And what are some ways that she has noticed people deal with others when they are being noisy in the lounge?
I was also wondering, when people know that the dorm is an honors dorm, I would think that they would have certain preconceptions about what that dorm will be like. For instance, full of studious people. Does she feel that this stereotype (if she had this one) turned out to be correct? Is the dorm they way she thought it would be? How do people's peconceptions of a place affect how they feel about it and respond to it?
I'm sorry. I know this was a very long post, and I'm not sure it was even that helpful. I don't mean to tear your interview apart!!! ~.~'
I almost posted yesterday but I was afraid it wouldn't count, so I waited until today. ^.^' I hope you have a great Thanksgiving break, too!! ^.^
Everything always counts.
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