Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Bag. Last Reecie.

*Shakes out bag to get the last reecie, takes bag (bag including everything from this blog) gives it one last look, holds on to memories, crumples bag, throws away*

Well everyone, yes, this is my last blog for DSP. Its been real. Its been nice. And yes, it has also been real nice. I truly feel that the things we have learned in this class we will be able to keep with us. The whole idea of Cosmopolitanism has just opened up a whole new way of thinking for me. I now see that all around us theres canopies and non canopies. Unspoken rules. Folk ethnography. And I feel like our class definatly was a canopy. We had such a diverse class it was great! Being able to do group projects in Second Life or games like BAFA BAFA. It was fun. I learned things I do not think I would have leanred in other classes, and I can take this information and apply it to those other classes. I have learned things about myself even, from reading other blogs and seeing myself fit into the mold they described. I am definately (but slowly) branching out of my shell here at UK. Oh! AND I also learned how to do a power point! last night in fact. It only took me 6 hours! haha.. ok so i over did it.. but at least i get to show it tomorrow in our final class :( I enjoyed hearing what everyone else learned about their projects and the class in general, and its great to compare it to what I have learned. Overall, (beside the fact that tis class was on te tougher side) I really liked and enjoyed the class... I would also like to thank our professors for being so helpful and for a great class :)
Classmates and professors: thank you for contributing to a enjoyable experience my first year in college, and back in a school (since middle school). It was a great experience.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs and comment. I hope they were entertaining and enjoyable (^.^)
Signing out..

-Reecie ^_^

1 comment:

Phoolendu Naidoo said...

Well, we had some wacky discussions, and now they must end. I am impressed that you were able to keep up the reecie related titles for so long...well done. Each day I figured, this will be the day she fails, but no, that day never came. I enjoyed reading what you had to say this semester, and learned some things from it too. See you around in the future maybe, take care.