Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wipe the Chocolate off the page then proceed to read.

Tales of a Reecie Journey.. Chapter.... What chapter are we on?

and ok, if you dont like the chocolate and peanut butter in the turkey, you dont have to eat it!

Well, I have already written my analysis and realized that the things I have found out, I did not notice when I wrote my first hypothesis. Since my analysis is 4 pages long, I won’t torture you guys into reading it. Instead I’ll give a quick summary of it. So my site, as you all should know by now, is Patterson Hall lounge. Originally I hypothesized that it would be where people come to study. When people are there I said that they knew about the unspoken rule/obligation to others to keep their voices down. And also I said that there would be respect amongst them and that they work together to make each other comfortable (in example, make sure to keep their voices down). Lastly I thought the Living Learning Community was a reason why students came down to the lounge.

What I found was that a small part of that was confirmed but most of it was not. And I started to construct a new hypothesis. As I found that I was right about people going to the lounge for studying, and it being during the evenings, I was only partially right about the unspoken rule to keep your voice down. I found that as some do keep their voices down, others know they are supposed to keep them down, but don’t care and are loud anyway. They do not have consideration or respect for those who are studying around them. Another rule I learned about was that people put their headphones in when they want to put up a guard, and to tell people to back off. I believe they also might do this if they are bothered by a noisy group, opposed to just leaving or calling for an RA. Also people generally don’t sit next to people they don’t know. They even know that you aren’t supposed to sit next to someone you don’t know. And finally I did learn that the Living Learning Communities had nothing to do with people going to the lounge, in fact they haven’t had any meetings all semester long. The other reason students do go to the lounge besides studying is a change of scenery from their room, and its just downstairs!
So I asked my informants about a few what if scenarios. When I asked if they would talk to a group of people they didn’t know they would, and they believed that they would make new friends. When I asked what would happen if they asked the noisy group to be quiet, they said that if the noisy group got complaints that they would most likely be quieter, and if that did not work they would call for an RA. When I asked what would happen if someone broke their guard and talked to them with their headphones on, they said they wouldn’t rage out, they would probably talk to that person, and if they really needed to study, they would just say they have to get back to it. When I asked if a random person sat next to them they would probably talk to that person and meet someone new. All of these what if scenarios really play out like Patterson would be a cosmopolitan canopy. The people have more respect and are letting down their guard and talking to strangers.

The problem is, those things are not happening; and therefore Patterson Hall lounge is not a cosmopolitan canopy, nor do the students seem to be cosmopolitans. The students do not tolerate each other’s values; the studiers stare at the loud group with their mean glances, and the loud group just doesn’t care. There seems to be no respect. No comfortableness. No caring about another’s feelings. And no talking to strangers. So no cosmopolitan canopy here folks, your gonna have to look somewhere else. If only the residents of Patterson did follow their what if scenarios.. But we can’t have it all can we….

As for the other projects, I noticed Phoolendu's had to do with people not sitting next to strangers, which definately relates, and so does LandRe's when one of her informants said that they wait for someone to talk to them rather than vise versa and also a small study/socializing spot. I am glad we are now making one poster for the class, as I think that will be enough to show, and we will be able to show our class in other ways. And im excited to start seeing it come together into a project :) .....oh and Great Blogs you guys :D

Thanks for reading and if you have any feedback let me know :)
-Reecie ^_^

1 comment:

Phoolendu Naidoo said...

I liked the summarized analysis, nice of you not to make people read the whole thing like I did. Anyway, you have made some interesting observations about the social behavior and implicit rules, as we have discussed in class. I especially enjoy the observation about the headphones, I find myself doing this action in my real life scenarios so that people won't bother me.I also like the fact that you used what if questions in interviews to get some critical opinions of people in the lounge. I find it interesting that if people believe they will make friends by talking to strangers, why not just go ahead and so? I believe you said before that no one ever admitted to talking to strangers, so what is it they have to fear? Finally, you mention the lounge is not a Cosmopolitan thing I did in my analysis was try to look at things that could possibly change that and allow the environment to become one. Maybe there are some changes you have in mind for the lounge to make people more eager to branch out to one another? Just a though