Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A chewy place in Reecie's world...

Well to start this off, I would like to make a side note that i think i forgot to mention in my last blog.. The students who live in patterson are mostly honors students, and to be an official member of the Living Learning Community you must already be an honors student..

Ok so now that that's out of the way.... I think I'll start this blog with something other than my UK Project, because I am still working on getting more field notes, and meeting with some faculty members to learn more about it.

I have found myself lately being more aware of my surroundings.. in places other than I am studying. Almost like I am getting into habit of observing people around me. And i have seen patterns even. I know that... if I am by myself somewhere, maybe in a place i dont know, or even in a place i know but am not fully comfortable in, I tend to keep to myself. Even avoiding eye contact a lot of times (this could be because of my shyness)... but it makes me wonder a few things. Am I the only person who intentionally keeps to themselves when in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable place? Did I miss a chance to meet someone I could have befriended and connected with? This thought relates to a recent blog post by Phoolendu... about missing an opportunity to make a friend. In this large university with many places and people unfamiliar to you (and me) there are certain patterns we all take part in. Whether it is in a comfort zone or not. I find it interesting when I see the same people in certain places, people I know nothing about besides the fact that I see them often in the same place. Of course shy me wouldnt have the courage to ask lol.. unless I must (like for the project)... but I'm working on it :)

Well those are my thoughts for the night,
Thanks for listening :)
-Reecie ^_^

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